Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Let's talk about woman mannnnn

So Dickens is notorious for having these little boys become men and women are either crazy as balls or sometimes legit (both these titles belong to Lady Havisham...obviously) and before anyone complains and shows off their Dickens trivia...i have only read like three dickens novels (he's not my cup of tea, sue me ;]) and from what i gather, only one other book has a female role. So that's pretty cool, i guess.

Now Lady Dedlock, in the beginning,  is  most boring high society annoying woman in the history of ever-town. She totally reminded me of Madame Bovary, and guess what, her sex life pretty much matched up at one point or another. (what with rich women and "slummin" it then being destroyed after?)
Anyways...Dedlock starts off pretty lame...then BAM we got this crazy secret, this cool passionate love story, and disguises that would shame Buckett. And the best part is that she isn't a cheating gold digger like most women in novels like this, she did her bad news bears before she got married. much respect.

Now, as for Esther. She's the typical super awesome heroine that has a terrible introduction. She's shy, thinks little about herself, thinks she's not "clever" enough....but here's the thing...Esther's narratives are actually the only ones I care to read and enjoy...even though she can get pretty self deprecating and you find yourself screaming at her...THESE PROBLEMS ARE NOT YOURS.

Yeah so I had this grand idea i had going about dickens and women
and well i'm not sure where i was going...
Women generally suck in his novels...(the 2 that i've read....notice how i went from 3 to 2...)
Does Dickens give us a cool heroine, a woman we can look up to the 19th century
or is she just another shadow of the two most typical females
1. the rich, bored, whore who dies alone in poverty cause she wasn't good to her man
2. the good kid who takes care of everyone except herself and maybe gets what she really deserves..

time will tell.
til then i'll just enjoy the novel..which is slightly hard.

Oh and don't we have other women who just plain suck
like the maid who sets dedlock up for murder.
cmon man.

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