Tuesday, November 19, 2013

bleak bleak bleak

I was gonna be clever and talk about the lack of growth in the characters...the bleakness of them..but its way to late for my brain to be funny or punny or anything for that matter.

The end is here. We've come across way too many characters, one unnecessary will that seemed to bring out the best and worse and inheritance of all kind. 

I just want to get into how creepy the second to last Esther Narrative ended up being for me. 
I don't know but her engagement to Jarndyce always rubbed me the wrong way, not because she was lying to herself but because he was her guardian. And i love how he casually gives her up and claims he will remain her father now...i know i know..this was probably totally normal and cool and all that..still freaked me out though. 

Now I many of you have talked about Foucault and Panopticism. so i hope i'm not repeating anything or being confusing...probably both.

Now this invisible power/anonymous power made me think of a couple characters in the novel. 1. Turklington: he seemed to have most of the knowledge and therefore carried most of the power but then again he wasn't so anonymous. he was in the beginning. 
2.Buckett...he'd just pop out of every which way and had the power of the panopticon would. in the sense that he could imprison and arrest.
Lastly we have the second narrator. I felt him/her having the anonymous power. 
They seemed to know outside the realm of esther, hold all the power because they had the most knowledge and we never knew who they were. 
i know we talked about how it could possibly be Esther narrating afterwards or it could be Dickens' voice, but i prefer it being this anonymous entity watching over not only the characters, but esther as well. Like even though esther had her own part in the narration, this one had more control and shadowed her. Like she looked to it for answers and protection. 

Probably babbling...what else is new. 

Oooh. How about the ending of this.
Not only does Esther conveniently get to be with the love of her life, but they literally move into the bleak house. i was hoping they would be moving out of it.
but as her closing narrative states, all was well and she was even more beautiful than before. how cute. 

I guess that were my problem with Dickens has always lied in. His constant need to wrap things up in a bow. blegh. no thanks. 

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