Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Since i'll be rambling about Walkowitz tomorrow, ill save you all the trouble now and talk about Wilde.

I surprisingly really enjoyed the story. Here we have the prime example of a Flaneur, in all his glory. Dorian Gray is an incredibly annoying and amazing character. The beauty of him, this goes both ways, is that he is the men and women we see today. I love connecting everything we read to whats happening now, so bear with me.
Our society is Dorian Gray and that bothers me a lot. We live in a world where youth and beauty is cherished. We, and i use we very loosely, we praise the celebrities and mock the ones that fall from grace. Plastic surgery, botox, and all those lovely fix ups enables our world to be constantly surrounded by YOUTH NOW.
I'm a 23 year old who enjoys celebrity gossip from time to time. sue me. So when i see all these Dorian's running around it drives me crazy. There are celebrities in their 20s who get work done, and why? so they can look better which leads to feeling better and having a better life. Dorian would not have been "happy" if he had lost his looks, it was all he really had. And here have Kim Kardashian, Megan Fox, Lindsay Lohan, and many others who use Basil paintings, aka plastic surgery, to hide behind who they really are. And because of social media and the "news" (gossip shows and online bs)
girls in my city strive for that small nose and full lips. Half the people in my city have had elective work done, I have run out of toes and fingers to count on.

I just realized i massively detoured. Yeah i guess society will always be this way. The possibilities are endless with new ways to become forever young. Some celebrities have even fallen into looking like Dorian's Portrait because of it. (Mickey Rourke, Joan RIvers, Michael Jackson...)

Let's get back on some literary track...
Wilde has always been the type of author to point out the faults of the rich right off the bat. He really didn't care what came out of that beautifully ingenious mouth of his. He's rather amazing.

The novel was so different from what we have read so far and I am absolutely infatuated with it. But isn't that what got Sybil into trouble in the first place.
Oh yes, another story about a woman who cannot control her feelings. And before we forget, more homoerotic male relationships to dive into. Yes, Wilde knew what he was doing.

Let me also chime in on some Walkowitz before i go...
It's totally generic to call a city or country her right? Cause I found that amazing that the disheveled, blackened city was a woman. oh so lovely. i guess only the hardened countries are named after men. whatever, no time for gender fights right now. my brain is fried.

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